Camelia Manaila
Former Communications Intern
I am Camelia, a Romanian medical doctor. Currently doing my residency in Neurology. The internship at the MIND Foundation, funded by an Erasmus scholarship, represented for me a gap year between the end of medical school and the beginning of the residency. During that time, I sometimes worked on issues far from the medical field, my main occupation being office management. Even though it is maybe apparently dubious to take a break from medical studies to do office management, I consider my internship one of the best decisions I made. Sometimes a little space from what you love allows you to do it better. Now I know more about myself and the science of psychedelics with the help of this amazing team. I warmly recommend to anyone to surrender to the experience of doing an internship at MIND. It doesn’t matter if it is not what you imagine it should be. I am sure you will feel highly rewarded in the end.