Perspective Ecology & Environment Implementation & Society Self-Development Technology Can psychedelics really change the world? Explore how psychedelic technologies are advancing research and therapy, enhancing mental health treatments and our understanding of consciousness. David Dupuis, Ph.D. 2021-08-06
Perspective Consciousness Research Psychology Technology Colors affect our subjective wellbeing and sense of time Learn about the Ganzfield method of sensory exposure, how colors can alter states of consciousness, and what applications this may have. PD Dr. Marc Wittmann 2021-05-21
Interview Biological Sciences Drug Science Technology Magic Yeasts and How to Make Them Produce Psilocybin Learn from Nick Milne, PHD about the process of developing sustainable, biosynthetic psilocibin, and how this could impact the future of psychedelics. PhD Nick Milne 2021-01-15
Perspective Medicine & Psychiatry Mental Health Technology Would you talk to a machine therapist? Read about the role of AI in mental health care, the potential benefits and challenges of machine therapists, and the future of digital psychiatry. Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Gründer 2020-12-11
Perspective Medicine & Psychiatry Mental Health Technology Big data in psychiatry: brave new world? Discover how Big Data could revolutionize psychiatry. ✓ Early disorder detection ✓ Digital analysis ✓ Ethics & privacy. Read more! Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Gründer 2020-11-27
Perspective Medicine & Psychiatry Mental Health Technology Does your phone know you better than your therapist? Learn about the promise and peril of digital phenotyping from a former director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Gründer 2020-10-31