Author: Henrik Jungaberle
Dr. sc. hum. Henrik Jungaberle is the Director of the MIND Foundation and CEO of OVID Health Systems. He is a researcher, science entrepreneur, and author in public health, psychedelics, and psychotherapy. His focus is on human development from a lifespan and ecology perspective. He investigates integration and integrity in the use of psychoactive substances - and how to shape this on an individual, societal and political level. Henrik Jungaberle was chair of the non-profit FINDER (2013-2020). In 2016 he co-founded the MIND Foundation. From 1996-2014 he worked at the Institute of Medical Psychology, University Hospital Heidelberg. He conducted EU- and DFG-financed research projects on salutogenesis and psychoactive substances. With his teams, he builds and teaches different educational programs. REBOUND is a drug education program, and the European Prevention Curriculum EUPC is about communicating prevention basics to decision-makers. He is a co-founder of BEYOND EXPERIENCE (psychedelic integration) and a faculty member of APT - a training in psychedelic therapy. He leads the MIND's team section within the psilocybin depression study EPIsoDE (Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim [CIMH] and Charité Universitätsmedizin).